
April 1, 2015

As Indiana continues to be in the spotlight about DISCRIMINATION,  I am sadden that we still live in a world or I may say country that still allows such behavior.  As I am face with the question of “Will I be discriminated”, this question in my opinion will be a reality to me and many more in my community and around the state and country.   Some may say that this is attacking a certain group of people or organization, I disagree with them because this will impact everyone one way or another.  It will impact people that are looking for a job but now can get denied because they don’t have the same believes the establishment has, or the financial income that it will have for establishments here in the city of Indianapolis.  For the days to come the Governor of Indiana is still trying to convince not only Hoosiers the entire country and himself that this bill that he signed is not to openly discriminate the LGTB community.  I believe that discrimination is just that, discrimination, and hate no matter how you spell it.  Below are some post from top CEO to Politicians to Celebrities expressing their concerns.

CEO Tim Cook – “These bills rationalize injustice by pretending to defend something many of us hold dear. They go against the very principles our nation was founded on, and they have the potential to undo decades of progress toward greater equality,” “This isn’t a political issue. It isn’t a religious issue. This is about how we treat each other as human beings. Opposing discrimination takes courage. With the lives and dignity of so many people at stake, it’s time for all of us to be courageous.”

Miley Cyrus – Pop star Miley Cyrus called Pence an “a#$hole” in an Instagram post over the law.

Hillary Clinton – Sad this new Indiana law can happen in America today. We shouldn’t discriminate against ppl bc of who they love #LGBT http://t.co/mDhpS18oEH

Ashton Kutcher – Indiana are you also going to allow Christian establishments to ban Jews from coming in? Or Vice Versa? Religious freedom??? #OUTRAGE

Audra McDonald – On the phone w/@united so long I forgot what year it was, then saw the law Indiana Gov.Pence just signed & remembered…It’s 1950 #NOHATE

Not only people are upset but business, organizations, and States are concerned how this will impact them, their employees and citizens.  Below are some:


Following the signing of the law, the crowd-sourcing review site statement saying, “It is unconscionable to imagine that Yelp would create, maintain, or expand a significant business presence in any state that encouraged discrimination by businesses against our employees, or consumers at large.”  Yelp also threatened to boycott Arizona when it was considering passing similar legislation last year, and mentioned that it would have a similar position on Arkansas if it passes legislation that it is debating that would enable discrimination.


“Today we are canceling all programs that require our customers/employees to travel to Indiana to face discrimination,” Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff tweeted, pointing to a CNN story in which it said that it would halt all efforts to expand to the state.  The Salesforce decision comes after a group of tech-based businesses sent a letter threatening to halt business in the state if the bill became law. “Technology professionals are by their nature very progressive, and backward-looking legislation such as the RFRA will make the state of Indiana a less appealing place to live and work,” the letter said.

The City of San Francisco

San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee announced that municipal employees are barred from traveling to the state for work-related trips. “San Francisco taxpayers will not subsidize legally-sanctioned discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people by the state of Indiana,”


The college athletic association said it was “especially concerned” about the new law, and may pull upcoming college tournaments scheduled in the state.  Sports commentator and former NBA star Charles Barkley encouraged the NCAA to cancel upcoming Final Four tournament games in the state. “Discrimination in any form is unacceptable to me,” he said. “As long as anti-gay legislation exists in any state, I strongly believe big events such as the Final Four and Super Bowl should not be held in those states’ cities.”  Former Indiana Pacers guard Reggie Miller also objected to the law, saying “I’ve never been big into politics, but I’m very disappointed in my adopted home state of Indiana … I’ve always been about the inclusion for all, no matter your skin color, gender or sexual preference … We are all the same people, beautiful creatures,” he said.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) even offered to host the tournament games in his state. “@NCAA if you’re looking for a new place to hold 2021 #FinalFour – NY has plenty of great venues that don’t discriminate,” he tweeted.

Eli Lilly and Company

The global drug giant, which employs more than 11,000 workers in the state, called the law “bad for business.” The company is Indiana-based and unlikely to move, but they released a statement to Think Progress that indicated their disappointment in the law.  “Discriminatory legislation is bad for Indiana and for business. That’s one key reason we worked with the Indiana Chamber and other businesses in an attempt to defeat the legislation,” Eli Lilly and Company spokeswoman Janice Chavers said via email. “One of our long-held values is respect for people, and that value factors strongly into our position. We want all our current and future employees to feel welcome where they live. We certainly understand the implications this legislation has on our ability to attract and retain employees. As we recruit, we are searching for top talent all over the world. We need people who will help find cures for such devastating diseases as cancer and Alzheimer’s. Many of those individuals won’t want to come to a state with laws that discriminate.”

Disciples of Christ

The entire Christian denomination sent a letter saying that “…The recent passage in the state legislature of the RFRA bill is distressing to us. It is causing us to reconsider our decision to hold our 2017 gathering in Indianapolis.”

Gen Con

The comics and gaming convention threatened to move its annual event out of Indiana over the law. “Legislation that could allow for refusal of service or discrimination against our attendees will have a direct negative impact on the state’s economy and will factor into our decision-making on hosting the convention in the state of Indiana in future years,” wrote Gen Con’s Chief Executive Adrian Swartout.

White House

On Friday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, “I have seen that there are a number of private businesses and nonprofit organizations that have said that the signing of this law prompts them to reconsider doing business in the state of Indiana. All those business and some of those who are considering having conventions in Indiana have raised concerns about whether all of their employees can count on being treated fairly in Indiana.”

“I think that is a testament to the kind of reaction I think a lot of people all across the country had, which is that the signing of the bill doesn’t seem like it’s a step in the direction of equality and justice and liberty for all Americans,” he said. “Again, that’s not just the view of the administration, I know that’s the view of the Republican mayor of Indianapolis and a whole host of nonprofit and private sector companies who have legitimate concerns about the impact of this legislation.”