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Running Essential Errands

Grocery Shopping, Take-Out, Banking, Getting Gas, and Doctor Visits

What you need to know

Grocery Shopping

Stay home if sick

Order online or use curbside pickup

Protect yourself while shopping

Use hand sanitizer

Wash hands at home

Deliveries & Takeout

Use delivery services when possible

Limit in person contact if possible

Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after accepting deliveries or collecting mail


– Bank online when possible

Bank online whenever possible

Getting Gas

Use disinfecting wipes on handles

Use disinfecting wipes on handles or buttons

Doctor Visits & Getting Medicines

Talk to doctor online, by phone, or email

Talk to your doctor online, by phone, or e-mail

If you must visit in-person, protect yourself and others

Limit in-person visits to the pharmacy

If you or a member of your household has signs of COVID-19, call your doctor first, instead of going to the office or the emergency department.

Call 911 if you believe it is an emergency. See also: What to do if you are sick.

Source: CDC.GOV

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